Tanzanian Peaberry

This is a light roast grown on the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro.

With a bright and berry-like flavor, this unique bean is sure to delight.


Information forthcoming.

From the slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro, the world-renowned Tanzanian Peaberry is noted for hints of gingerbread and orange with an effervescent, lively, bright body.

You don’t see this on your run-of-the-mill grocery store shelf as it is not as well-known as some specialty origins.

Peaberries result when the coffee cherry develops a single oval bean rather than the normal two flat-sided beans. This occurs in only 2% of coffee cherries. Sorting these can be labor intensive resulting in higher costs.

Most coffee roasters agree peaberries are sweeter and more intense than their dual bean counterparts because nature packed all the qualities it normally puts into two beans into one.


Price: $11.99

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